16 Essential Organic Microgreens Growing Starter Kits And Equipments

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As a microgreens lover, you can grow microgreens with minimum equipment, but if you want to get a good harvest, you need to use at least some essential organic microgreens growing starter kits and equipments to grow proper microgreens. We know it may seem like it is a needless purchase, but the result is definitely worth it! Also, once you get the necessary tools, you will be able to repeatedly use them for a long time. Overall, a worthy purchase if we must say. So let’s not delay anymore and start preparing our shopping list, shall we?

Essential Organic Microgreens Growing Starter Kits And Equipments

It’s time to get the materials. Don’t worry; we know how valuable your money is. Thus, we will keep it to the most essentials. And to be honest, you might have some of the tools at your home already, and if your weather and surrounding permit, you might not even need all of them. So, let’s begin. For your convenience, we have divided the list of essentials according to the phases of microgreens’ growth.

Seed Preparation for Good Germination

1. The Seeds

Well, it is impossible to grow microgreens without sufficient seeds. Remember, you will need a lot more seeds for growing microgreens than for growing full-grown vegetables. So, we suggest you buy the seeds in bulk to be more cost-effective. You can buy 1-pound organic seed packets spending 15-70 dollars.

2. Measuring Scale

After selecting the seeds, you will need a measuring scale to measure the necessary amount of seeds for planting. This is important because too much or too little density can hinder your production and measuring seeds beforehand can prevent that.

3. 3% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide

You will also need 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide in both pre-germination and post-germination stages. Rinsing seeds in a 5:1 water-H2O2 mixture for ten minutes before planting can largely reduce the risk of mold. Even after sprouting, you can spay the solution over the plants to combat mold. You can buy 1 galleon H2O2 for about $16 and can use it for a long time.

4. Strainer

After soaking the seeds, you will need a strainer to wash them thoroughly without losing them.

5. Protective Gloves and Safety Glasses

While 3% H2O2 is a light solution, you still should take care not to come into unnecessary contact. So, try to wear protective gloves while handling it. Similarly, wear safety glasses to avoid accidental contact of H2O2 with your eyes.

Excellent Growing Medium for Great Growth

6. Microgreens Trays/Containers

To get a good harvest, you will need appropriate trays. We suggest you buy trays with both drainage holes and solid bottoms. The trays with holes will be needed for holding the plants, and the ones without holes will be needed for bottom watering. The microgreens trays should be 1-1.25-inch deep to minimize soil usage. Rather than buying low-cost flimsy trays and replacing them after every 5-6 uses, you should spend a bit more for more sustainability. For ten extra-strength 1.25-inch 10×20 trays you will need to spend around $43. Though the initial cost may feel like too much, such trays will last for about two years.


7. Growing Medium

You can grow microgreens in soil, peat moss, coco coir, etc. The key point here is that the medium should be fine-grained. Both soil and coco coir is quite cheap. But if you can, try to use organic soil as you will be able to re-use it. You can also make a mixture of soil, peat moss, and organic fertilizer for better results. Again, buy them in bulk to reduce cost.

8. Waterproof pH Tester

If you grow microgreens in soil, you should check the soil pH before planting the seeds. For that, you will need to buy a waterproof pH tester.

9. Vinegar and Baking Soda CHECK FOR BUY NOW

What if the soil pH is lower or higher than your desired pH level? You will need to adjust the soil-pH of course! To do so, you will need either vinegar (pH 3.3) or baking soda (pH 8.2). Add a cup of vinegar to one-gallon water and apply the mixture to the soil using a spray bottle to lower the soil pH and then leave it for a few days. To do the opposite, mix 1 tbsp baking soda with one-gallon water and apply it to the soil.

10. Organic Fertilizers

This is not an absolute necessity. But if you feel like providing the best growth medium, you can add the finely grained organic mixture to the soil. You can either buy them from the store or prepare them at home using the surplus of the food ingredients.

Sound Care after Planting for a Great Harvest

11. Heat Mat

If you live in a colder region, you will need to use Seedling Heat Mat to provide the seeds appropriate temperate for germination. For most of the seeds, the minimum temperature required for germination is 15C. So, if your room temperature is higher, then you won’t need it.

12. Timer

A timer can help you with timely watering. But again, you can do the same with your mobile so getting a timer is also optional.

13. Microgreens Spray Bottle

You will need a spray bottle to spray water, fertilizers, and other necessary solutions over the plants and soil.

14. Glow Lights

This is another item you won’t need if your house has access to plenty of natural sunlight. Otherwise, you will need to get them. The price mostly depends on the numbers, specifications, size, and brand, but in general, you will need around 30-100 dollars.

15. Microgreens Exhaust Fan

Another tool you can avoid buying if the room you grow your microgreens in has sufficient airflow to prevent mold. If you grow your microgreens in a basement, you should get one. For smaller rooms (maximum 4’x4’ size), you can use a 4-inch fan. For the bigger ones, the fan capacity needs to be bigger as well.

A Smooth Harvest as the Finale

16. Sharp Scissors/Knife

After you grow your microgreens to the fullest, you will need to harvest them. Thus, you will need a pair of sharp scissors or a sharp knife. If you are using scissors, try to use one with a long, sharp blade for better cutting access.

Final Thought

So, what do you think? As you can see, despite their cost, the listed items are truly essential organic microgreens growing starter kits and equipments. Most of them are long-lasting and can be used for a long duration. There are some which are a must item, while some are essential depending on other factors. You might even already have some in your house. So, in the end, while it may seem that you will need a hefty amount to buy the necessary pieces of equipment for growing microgreens at home, the one-time investment will actually yield a long-time profit. Truly astounding!

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